Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Happy Life

To live life is the lot of all humans, we go about things with seeming purposeless regularity. We wake up, and eat, and work, and sleep, and do things over and over again. Why? Why do we do anything? Why are some people driven while other struggle to get themselves out of bed in the morning? Why are some content with the mundane while other strive for greatness? Some are dreamers, and some are those who's dreams are their reality. It is puzzling, what are we here to do and to learn? What is our purpose to live and to love and to die and be no more? Or are we strangers here, having wandered from some other place? We all seem to want good, could it be that the place we came from was a place of magnificent light, where we felt perfect love? Is that why we are always searching for love and acceptance, why we need interaction with others?
Sometimes I feel as if I am supposed to do something great. I was, and am, and can be some one who does something, but I can never seem to rise above my weakness to find my wings and soar, and to unlock my limits that are self imposed and or seem to be pressed on me by another. I want to do so much good but can't seem to do any good, and my good intentions are paving my way to hell.  I don't know what the future holds but I want to make my mark, and to love others. I try to live the life of a servant the Savior but I am slave to my appetites. It is however comforting to know that Christ has promised me that I will, with his help, be able to overcome my weakness and become strong once again like we were before we lived here on earth. The fact that we sometimes feel like strangers in our world is because we came from a more exalted place. That place was in the presence of the Father of our spirits. We are not humans who occasionally have encounters with spiritual things, we are spiritual beings having a human experience to learn and grow. Our life is one of choices and what the Father is trying to teach us here is that the way to happiness is through his Plan, through the Atonement of the Savior and overcoming our faults, and loving others. That is our job, to try and learn to love and to chose God over anything else. The choice to be happy is ours, we can grow and learn under the tutelage of a loving Father in Heaven and learn true happiness and true joy, or we can try to fill our lives with things that increasingly fail to satisfy. I know that our Father loves us and he sent his Son, Jesus Christ to pave the way to true happiness and and show us that by following Their plan we can be happy now, and forever. Life is meant to be happy if we choose it to be, we are beings of light, we love to have light in our lives; and our families can be light, our friends can be light, and most of all Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can be light. Anyway I know Jesus Christ lives and loves us.
If this seems random it's just what came out today. I love Jesus Christ and am grateful for all that he does for us, and I love my family who are a huge light in my life. Though things may seem dark and bleak look to the light of Christ, and to what ever light you can grab onto and learn to love and learn to communicate with our Father in Heaven through prayer. Life is good though it is never easy to overcome hardships, we become strong in Christ. Be grateful for the knowledge of Christ it is how we can overcome. To end, a happy life is to know and love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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